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Mush Clients
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Some clients for MUSHing

To connect to a MUSH, you'll need a client.  You can use telnet, but it's tremendously uncomfortable.  This table shows the programs you can use, depending on the OS you are running:

  Windows 95/98/NT Windows 3.1 Macintosh DOS UNIX / GNU+Linux / BSD OS/2
TinyFugue (sources) (sources) x - x x
SimpleMU x x - - - -
Pueblo x x - - - -
MushClient x x - - - -
Zmud x x - - - -
MacMUSH - - x - - -
Rapscallion - - x - - -
Savitar - - x - - -
Mud Caller - - - x - -
K-Mud - - - - x -
B-Mud - - - - x -
Yamc !? x - x - x -

This page was last updated on 10-Jul-2001