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The Gwaith-I-Thein - the craftsmen of Lorien

The craftsmen of Lorien, or the Gwaith-I-Thein (The Craftsmen), have the all important jobs of creating the many beautiful objects found in Lorien: The fabled elven cloaks of Lorien, the swan ships, and the bejeweled belts of gold all are products of these deft crafters.

Gwaith-I-Thein are involved with almost all the aspects of 'Sub-creation'. Foresters supply wood for the carpenters, miners supply ore for the armorsmiths. Weavers weave wool into tunics, while the herders watch the sheep.

To enhance the different duties that many of the Gwaith-I-Thein positions have, it is essential for the crafters to develop good Role Playing Skills. Many of the positions require an IC interview.

Different jobs within the Gwaith-I-Thein: Armorsmith, Carpenter, Baker, Weaponsmith, Weaver, Forester, Miner, Potter, Herder, and Jewelsmith.

Please contact Aegraum for better information.


Aegraum Noldo Male Craftmaster
Aewruin Sinda Female Dinlom Weaver, Apprentice
Annandune Sinda Male Jewelsmith, apprentice
Glindorel Silvan Male Dinlom Apprentice-Smith
Taursir Silvan Male Laiquendi Apprentice Instrument Maker

This page was last updated on 09-Jul-2001