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Rhunedhel before the Gates

Some part of this RP is missing

The Gates of Caras Galadhon
You stand now in the narrow corridor between the overlapping arms of the high green wall. Tall and strong and hung with many lamps, the great gates stand before you protecting this sole passage into the great city beyond. The early morning sun filters down through the trees, creating a patchword of sunshine and shady areas before the gates. Atop the wall, sentries patrol their stations armed with bows of yew and shouldering quivers of grey feathered arrows. Beyond, populating the hill with their towering majesty, you can perceive many of the mighty mellyrn whose leaves and branches form a dome of green upon the hill.

Sometime after dawn is this, perhaps an hour or two (so might one gauge it, by the position of the sun, hung low in the sky) Indeed, Arien still pushes her care upwards, into the vaulted dome of the sky; it's light falls mottled, in swirling patterns through the eaves of the endless rows of mallyrn which climb ever up the hill: the mighty towers of Caras Galadhon.A white road it is that leads up to the great gates, the sole and single entrance into the city. And many of the Galadhrim are there to be seen, be it the sentries upon the walls, or those who traffic the way. One such is a maid, all cloaked and cowled in the grey synonymous with her folk. A bow is slung about her shoulders, a quiver at her belt.

Rhunedhel looks up as he approaches the gates and raises an arm to hail the guards, speaking in lightly accented Sindarin, "Mae Govannen!"

The other elves pause as Rhunedhel does, the Imladhrim staring at the towering trees of Caras Galadon in wonder.

Rhunedhel, with a group of Imladhrim elves, has just arrived at the gate, with a few foresters of the Galadhrim escorting them. His hail has just died away, and the guards are looking at him and the others. He is dressed splendidly, as befits Elrond's herald.

Maeneriol emerges from the blind and nods polietly to all assembled.

"If you bespeak the sentries, good my lord, they shall not answer ye. But forgive them, such is their way. I do not doubt that the altitude effects their hearing." So says the maid, from where she is stood before the gates. "Ah, but I forget myself... You are come," She almost intones, "To Caras Galadhon, where dwell Celeborn and Galadriel. That which is the heart of elvendom in middle earth," She gestures uphill, "Word has doubtless been sent aloft, no doubt one more apt with words shall be here but shortly."

Rhunedhel nods gravely to the elf-maid. "Thank you," he says. He looks around a moment, then says, "We shall wait here then. It has been a long journey, but the trees of Lorien have been a great refeshment."

Terridan walks down the path slowly, his cowl pulled up over his head as he approaches the gates. He looks up towards Gillhach at her words, and a slight smile crosses his face. Approaching the group slowly, he pulls back his cowl, and inclines his head to all present, "Mae govannen, all."

Rhunedhel says in Sindarin, "I am called Rhunedhel, and am herald to Elrond. I am here with these my comrades on my master's business to your lord and lady."

Averiel nods as well at the words of the elf maid, and walks in silence next to Rhunedhel. Seeing the Knight of Lorien, Terridan, she smiles and greets him with a quiet "Mae govannen".

Maeneriol smiles and nods. A "Mae govannen" also passing his lips.

Terridan looks over towards Rhunedhel after inclining his head to Maeneriol and Averiel with a smile, nodding his head once to his words, "Indeed... I have heard of your arrival, I trust that your stay here in the woods has been pleasant? Yes?"

Rhunedhel nods. "It has been pleasant indeed. I look forward to entering your fair city: it has been some years since I was here last, and then it was in haste." A pause, then he says, "Let me introduce my companions. This is Averiel, my apprentice in song; I believe she may have kin in your realm." He pauses a moment, then continues ...