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Kathalis and Gillhach fight orcs

Northern Fences of Lorien
The rolling foothills of the northwest come to and end here in this river valley, nestled up against the wide Anduin river to your east, and the sprawling forest to your south. This region is called the Northern Fences of Lorien, for it forms the border to the legendary Golden Wood, whose boughs you could soon be travelling beneath, should you venture any further southward.As you look into the dense forest growth which begins only a few dozen yards into the woods, you recall the legends which bespoke of the fateful one-way journeys creatures of evil intent undertook when they chose to desecrate that realm...

The dush patrol moves quietly into the new area and fan out. Several signal each other and nods of confirmation ring the patrol. Crouching low and taking whatever cover is afforded them all eyes turn to the senior patrol leader who holds his position cautiously.

The rather odd Uruk follows closely behind the Dush patrol, as his axe is held tightly inhand with his shield held out in front of him to protect him from whatever may be near. Red eyes sweep over the area and nod a silent message to another Uruk behind him as he crouches down as well in order to observe for a moment. Jokal's teeth clatter against each other for a moment from the water near the river, but with a minute shake of the head its gone and silence returns to the area.

Following as quietly as possible beind the Dush be only a few yards, a lone Uruk finds his own cover for the moment. Taking up position behind a rock Gnash tries his best to get as much cover as he can, using his shield to protect him from any part of his body not covered. After getting into position Gnash quietly eyes each and every surrounding tree, looking for the slightest movement.

Hiden high up in a near by tree, Kathalis frowns deeply as he spots the approching Yrch, pulling his elven cloak tightly around to conceal him as he slowly pulls his bow.

There is some movement as one of the patrol prepares his own bow for battle..Whispering under his breath he bemoans.."Tress....I hate trees..The Beggars are always up der.."

Perched in like fashion, high up in the trees that clearly define this; the northern borders of Lorien. Another figure, cloaked and cowled in a cloudy grey remains near invisible to those below that might seek to espy her. Upon sight of the yrch, she too shifts slightly in her place, looking to her fellow for confirmation.

As Gnash holds his Shield next to him the wait starts to grow on his mind. Each and every slight movement and sound begins to set him off and gets his attention. As he stares into the tree he takes up a tight grip on the handle of his hammer and then begins the waiting process. For what seems to be forever he waits for someone to make the first move.

The rat-a-tat-tating of a woodpecker and bear heard echoing threw the woods. Jokal's eyes look up into the trees as he grunts and shakes his head in dissatisfaction. The warriors axe is lifted as if to be flung up into the trees at the blasted light lovers, but is quickly brought back down to his side as he remains squatted and leans forward with his shield still held out in front of him waiting of one of the patrols arrows to knock one of the tree monkeys down from their perches high in the tree tops. His muscles tense and he prepares almost for a sprinter to begin a type of berserker attack on whatever falls to the ground.

The absence of the sun makes the scanning much easier as all eyes scan for movement. The Hai in the patrol cares not for his vision is not affect by light like the others. Straining to catch the smallest movement and finding none the patrol begins to break cover and one signals for them to move in further..Crouching unconciously from the threat from above the make they may slowly.

From high above the piercing screech of a Hawk breaks threw woods, quickly followed by a flight of arrows...

A flurry of motion as the uruks dive for cover. Several point in the direction of the arrows and the scan area becomes much smaller.
The group begins to increase their interval and one particularly looks deep into the trees ...His right eye begins to twitch as a low rumble climbs out of his chest.

A low warble, alike to the call of a nightengale can be heard from aloft then. At that, the elleth moves to a better vantage point; no noise nor motion betrays her change of position.

Kathalis quickly lifts his bow taking aim on Jokal nocking a arrow and drawing and releasing in one smooth movement...before disapearing behind a tree trunk again.

As the arrows begins to fly Gnash locates the direction that they are coming from. Once this has been found he quickly and swiftly positions his shield to block any remaining arrows that would be aimed at him. Finally Gnash believe none of the arrow were aimed for him at he moment, and with this in mind Gnash with shield infront of him runs up a few yards to get closer. After those few yards are covered Gnash takes up a spot behind a large tree.

Bult breaks from the patrol and positions himself next to a tree trunk. Bow raised in the general direction of the arrows his training locks his body into a tense coil.

Her position taken, the elleth nocks an arrow to her bow. Drawing the string slowly, and deffering to her aim to her fellow' target, she looses an arrow.

Bult breaks from the patrol and positions himself next toa tree trunk. Bow raised in the general direction of the arrows his training locks his body into a tense coil..ready to fire in an instant. His eyes scan and he tries not to focus on a point letting his vision wander..Better to pick up movement. Right eye twitching he holds fast and waits.

The Uruk warrior catches sight of the elf and with a grunt he leaps off to the side and lands in the dirt. Looking back to the spot he was moments before he notices an elven arrow laying there and quickly scurries over to it, and places it in a bag at his side. Looking into it he surveys his catch, and then looks back to the tree with a smirk. The bag is released and dangles at his side again as he looks to the patrol and anxiously awaits their fire to knock one of the monkeys down for him.. A small rumbling is heard, both from the Uruk's stomach and from his throat.. Perhaps a war cry is building from within the small furnace within his chest and all that is needed is a little blood to fuel it.

Scanning from around the tree bow at the ready, Kathalis scans for his next target.

As Gnash gets behind his tree he begins to scan and spot slight movement in the trees. Not being able to come near the Elfs who cowardly sit up high in the trees yet, Gnash has to wait for a chance or a mishap. With no opening yet Gnash decides to run to the next closest tree a few yards away, as the get a better view.

Dropping down some few feet to a lower position in a single, silent motion. The elleth remains central to the trunk of the mallorn which holds her. Her form melding seamlessly to match the hue of the wood.

Bult scans and stops..A glint off metal..Just a flash in the moon light..Perhaps off a gold ring from one of the light lovers. He shifts his bow and waits. His attention tightly focused now on a small patch on the trees..His eyes again float over the position and then launches his arrow.

Kathalis eyes narrow as he sights in on Jokal again drawing back his bow again holding it for a moment before releasing.

Almost as he shoots his prey makes a move and fires a shot. Quickly noching another arrow he pulss back and aims steadily..Taking a deep breath he holds then releases a small bit of air. Picking a spot he fires again...

Scanning the field for a target now, her gaze settling on her previous target. Nocking a second arrow and drawing the string, she looses it.

Rocking back slightly as the arrow grazes across his left shoulder, he winces in pain but maintains his balance, quickly swining around to take aim on the enemy archer quickly pulling and loosing a arrow at him.

The Logaz takes a step back as he is hit by the spear of light. His hand moves to clutch the shaft of the arrow and it seems that was all that this Uruk needed to fuel the fire within. Instantly his eyes seem to grow a little louder as a growl is heard.. Suddenly a war cry is let lose as he leans forward and holds his axe and shield out on a direct course for tree Glinden in is in, and his full force colides into its base. The axe is drawn out and he begins to hack at the tree with a hiss, "Come out you tree monkey and let me cut you a few new holes in your face!"

Bult hears the shot land solidly and grins in satisfaction...Another arrow is nocked into the bowstring and pulled back..A small bite nips at his shoulder as an arrow takes purchase throught the chain mail. The right eye become furious and twitches frantically. The warm flow of adrenalin releases and coils around the warrior embracing him in it's grip of death..Releasing the arrow his eyes try to follow the flight.

As Gnash waits for an opening he begins to dig in a little bag of his while trying to watch for flting object. After a few moments Gnash comes on with a little lantern. Opening up the lantern as quickly as possible Gnash dumps the content on the Great Mallorn Tree next to him. Then after a few jumping sparks of his stones the flames begin to jump and spark. Then in the common tongue Gnash screams, "Now you'll have to come down and save your ugly trees!" Gnash as he finishes these words drops back a few feet from the flames and waits for someone to come over to extingwish the flames.

Bult grimaces as his own shoots seem to betray him as another arrow grazes off the armor. Shaking his head he readies another arrow and mutters a bit of encouragement to it as if that will help.."Find the tree lover little one.." Pulling back and releasing the arrow jumps into the air

Looking down to see the wasted fuel burn off the thick bark of the mellyrn, (For 'tis green wood, and wet at that). The elleth leans forth, drawing her bow and loosing a shot before ducking back into the trees' cover.

Standing unmoving for now Kathalis smoothly draws forth another arrow, taking aim on Bult once more, his face serious, almost angry as he releases the deadly shaft towards the foul creature, whispering a soft word as he does.

As Gnash backs up from the tree he lit up an arrow comes out of the darkness and makes its mark on him. As the arrow slides into Gnash's arm he lets out a scream, backs up behind some more cover. Gnash then is forced to wait yet agian for an opening.

Bult growls as he takes another shot the arrow biting through the chail slowed only slightly.."Dang the slugs.." He turns and orders "Burn the beasts..smoke them out..Set fire all around!" Setting another arrow he sets it free to seek out the elf.

Seeing one agressor withdraw, Glinden sets about a shot on some other target. The one still hacking feebly at the tree below seems closest, and so the elleth looses that arrow in his direction.

Kathalis swings quickly down into a lower brantch...Almost low enough to attack Melle, to avoid Bult's arrow, as soon as he has his feet, another arrow seems to leap onto his bow as he takes aim on Bult once more... Seeing the archer as the most dangerous foe for now..

The Uruk at the base of the tree has obviously become slightly irritated by the tree monkey (female version) and moves around to the side of the tree opposite Gnash. Now both sides are covered and he examines her for a moment with a smirk across his face and slings his shield behind his back. Leaping back a few times he puts distance between him and the she monkey and draws his axe up to knock it from its lofty height. The muscles in his arms flex up and then release.. Then flex as his red eyes judge her distance from him.
Jokal inhales and nods as he is ready.. Suddenly the axe is released from his grip and it flies right for her! *Whosh* *Wosh* *twish* with each spin.. The noise as it cuts through the air could be considered quite annoying if you weren't used to it.
Jokal slides the glossy black buckler off of his left arm and straps it onto the back of his leather armor with yet another leather strap.

Suffering no more than a bruise as the axe bounces off the ringmail concealed beneath her cloak; and looking to the one responsible for the minor injury dealt to her, the elleth looks upwards, climbing aloft and out of range of any further axe-throws.

Bult spins trying to avoid the blow from the arrow as it bites into his leg.."Argh.." His eyes flash in anger and from this position he spies another target and pulls an arrow to shoot at the new elf. Releasing the arrow at his new target.

Kathalis kneels down on the branch taking his aim still for the enemy archer trying to remove him as a threat, his eyes narrow as he releases once more..

The black axe hits its target and comes spirling down to the ground, landing with a *thud*. Its dark blade sinks into the soil and rest there waiting to be picked up by its master or whatever other creature beats him to it.
Jokal darts over to the axe and lifts it from his resting place. Every bow and then he looks up to the tree monkey with a smirk and just shakes his head as it crawls away, calling up after it, "Come down here you little rat.. Let me show you how a real fight is.. Or just wait there a few moments and I'll warm you up," taking the weapon into a wielded position he draws near the base of the tree and starts to whack a bit of a crack at its base in order to get the flame well planted when and if he chooses to set this tall wonder on fire.

The sharp, silver cutting blade shimmers and awaits its next target. A leather grip stands ready for its new masters hands, awaiting to aid in gaining better control of this weapon of doom. Jokal reaches out and takes Sillarov, the mighty weapon which usually hangs at his side. His grip shifts down to Sillarov's black wooden handle, and adjust themselves on the leather grip.

A black feathered arrow buries itself harmlessly in the branch upon which Glinden was but recently stood. Attaining a new vantage, the elleth looks below; noting the orch trying once more to light the wet-wood, or perhaps fell this enormous tree, she smiles then. And laughing underbreath she traverses the interwoven limbs of this mallorn into another, safer tree.

The Logaz grumbles to himself as he realizes the she-monkey has more of a brain than he thought and abandons the cause of this tree. Turning to Bult he darts off over to him in order to wait for the -Hai to bring down something for him to go beat up on, hopefully soon for he dosen't know how much longer he can wait .. since his she-monkey prize is dancing around in the trees and isn't worth his trouble.

Looking back to the field from her high perch, the elleth seems saddened to see all her targets gone, or in hiding. Looking then to Kathalis down below, she might be seen to shake her head (were it not for her cowl). Setting aside her bow, the elleth calls out then, "<Sindarin> The battle is won mellon, they can do nought but hack at the trees with their little axes now." She waits on some response from her superior.

Kathalis calls out, "<Sindarin> Fall back and brind a clean up patrol Corporal."

The elleth might be seen to nod an affirmative, were she not already gone from her perch. No noise, nor motion among the branches marks her departure from the mallorn where once she was.

Jokal growls quietly to himself as he stands near Bult but can take this no longer, he must have the blood of an elf on his hands or this day was pointless. Drawing his axe up he holds it tightly in his grip and a bit of his own blood begins to flow down its handles from scratched palms. A small stream rolls down to the end of its haft and hangs there for a moment, then with a *splash* a drop of black blood hits the ground. His eyes flare with anger as the blood vessels in them enlarge to a throbbing.. Twitching he decides it time for a berserker attack on that tree monkey so near to the ground and charges at him spinning the axe around in his hands and yelling, "Hail the flame.. The fire burns those who oppose it, feel the sting of Morian steel.. Feel the sting of the Dush!" His axe stops and moves over his shoulder and then with the flex of an arm muscle is drawn out infront of him.. His mind working through the muddle of anger as he attempts to discern the elves exact location and once pinpointed he throws his black weapon at him in an attempt to bring the monkey to the ground.