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Gillhach shows in the Imladrims

Green Roadway at the Gates of the City
You stand upon the Green Roadway here at the bottom of the hill of Caras Galadhon. Set with deep, time-worn stones of an deep emerald hue, the roadway runs alongside the feet of the high green wall which encircles the whole of the city. Here, to the southwest, the arms of the wall overlap a few paces, forming a gap secured by a great gate. A winding path leads up the hill from here, disapperaing up into the golden leaves of the mighty mallorn trees which tower tall and powerful on this hill.

As the day lengthens towards night, and Arien's care sinks well nigh unto the horizon; it's light yet blazing over the endless serried ranks of the mallyrn that lift their majestic beauty up into the vaulted sky. Still, Caras Galadhon is all abustle with folk, be they trafficing the road, about their chores or among friends, out to watch the impending sunset.
One such, a maid, walks down along the path having descended the marble stair that leads off, up the great hill towards that which the Sindar account to be the heart of Elvendom in Middle Earth. She is cloaked, (though she wears no cowl) in the grey synonymous with her folk. At her belt, fit slip fashion is a quiver of grey-fletched arrows, in her hand a bow of yew wood.

Maeneriol stands chatting to his fellow Imladhrim at the foot of the stairs. His cloak is also drawn around him. Seeing the elleth approach, he turns to her and nods. "Mae govannen," he calls.

A figure garbed in green travelling robes stands quietly among the others. Although Elylliadros hears the words of his fellows he says little, for his eyes and attention are focussed on the distant hilltop mallorns, shimmering in the faint starlight. From the wonder evident on his face at the scene, it is obvious he is a stranger in this region.

As the sun sinks beyond the treetops, the remnant of it's light rayed momentarily about them, Lorien darkens. And yet above, in the vaulted heavens the full array of Varda's works is revealed, not least of which is Earendil, most beloved of the elves, much less Elrond's folk.
Inclining her head to a nod, by way of a greeting, so does Gillhach bespeak the Imladhrim. "<Sindarin> Good eve, friends. I pray you all are well? And that the hospitality of our humble city pleases you..." She waves off any resultant comments with a motion of a hand, continues: "At any rate... I am directed by lord Celeborn to lead you and your folk up to those quarters he has prepared for you..." She indicates a spot near the top of the great hill, "A short walk, I assure you. If you would?"

Maeneriol smiles, feeling words to be inappropriate here. He steps forward, ready to follow the cloaked maiden.

Brought forth from his reverie, Elylliadros's gaze descends the steps until with a start he notes the presence of Celeborn's envoy. "<Sindarin> ...My apologies... well met mellon!" He smiles and reaches out a hand, then realises her own is directed to the designated region of the hill. "<Sindarin> Oh, but of course, lead on."

Maeneriol whispers to Elylliadros, "As ... ... ... ..., ... ... ... (....) ... mellyn (....)"

Gillhach's lips curl to a smile, emerald eyes sparkling. "Come then, I shall show you the way." That said, she turns, and sets off up the hill, steps measured that the ascent might be more relaxed. Looking back, she calls out; "Come, mellyn. We can have words along the way... Visitors are a rarety, and I should be glad of news from a land beyond Lorien."

Maeneriol climbs quickly, following the elleth up the great stairway. As he ascends, his gaze falls on the scene around him; the lighted trees and the forest beyond. His ears pick up the faintest singing, but he is unable to decide from where it eminates.

A silvery peal of laughter escapes Gillhach's lips, sporting a grin, she says then; "Oh indeed... walls and roofs would be quite out of place... the mallyrn provide both for us, though some Telain sport them... something more homely. As will this," She pauses, and seeks the term to use, perhaps. "Guest house. I do not doubt you shall find it quite comfortable." She motions upwards once more, "Yet a ways, mellyn."You mount the ladder and ascend up to. . .

A Mallorn containing Telain for Guests
You stand upon a small flet through which a ladder passes through on it's way up the trunk. Above and about, you can see many other telain: some one one side of the ladder, some on another, and some set about the bole of the tree as the one you are on now is. Unremarkable from any other Lorien domicile, it is known in the city, however, that this mallorn is where guests and emissaries to the Lord and Lady reside.

Maeneriol walks into the Guest Talan. He seems suitably impressed as he looks out to all the others.

"I lived so long in the wilds, I had a hard time getting accustomed to walls. They just seem to imprison you so..." Lomean explains. "So you all live like this?"

"Oh aye," Says Gillhach, "all in the trees, at that." She smiles then, "And out in the wood too... The trees supply security and shelter... what else can one ask for?"

Lomean nods. "I often rest just on a treebranch in the valley. Although I know the Hir likes people to stay closer to the house, I just cannot see myself resting in a rocking chair or something like that..."

"Ah! Nor I... but I should not like to live my life out in the wilderness, either." Gillhach gestures expansively, "I am grown used to such comforts as Telain supply... shelter from rain and wind, and whatever other creature comforts there are."