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Gallia at the Meadow in the Forest with a Stream

Late Night
Orgaladhad Trees-day
7 Laer Summer

Moon phase: Waxing Gibbous Hidden
IC year is: Loa 138 o Yen 21, Nelandran o Endor <TA 3018>

A Meadow in the Forest with a Stream
You stand in a meadow admidst a sumemrtime forest. The surrounding mallorn trees, their leaves and branches forming a light canopy of green to match the scattered undergrowth below, are thick about you and form a large clearing that is criss-crossed by paths. Looking about the meadow, you 'view' a brook with a small waterfall that runs through, bubbling softly as it tumbles over some rocks. Soft moonlight bathes the night meadow in a silver light while the brighter stars glitter through the leafy canopy.

As night lengthens towards the morn, and with the shimmering patchwork of Varda's stars, laid quiltlike over the ancient heart of Laurelindorenan. Starlight falls upon a meadow, ringed roundabout by tall mallyrn; through which a brook winds merrily, burbling as it tumbles o'er its bed.
Besides the little stream, all cloaked and cowled: a maid is sat, in calm repose. Unmoving and unmoved, she muses; on what, one cannot guess. Laid at her side is a bow, and a heap of associated gear.

A white shadow against the dark backdrop of deep starlit night, a second maiden steps into the meadow and makes her way towards a tree standing not far from the babbling stream. But just as she reaches its base and prepares to climb the rope ladder dangling there, she spies the grey-cloaked figure by the water. "Mae govannen," she greets, announcing her presence softly as she alters her course to go see who is there.

Stirring at the intrusion of the others' words, as if from long sleep or deep thought; the seated maid lends her attention towards that one by whom she's adressed. A smile curls her lips 'pon sight of the figure that nears. "Well met," Says she, and stands, that she might properly adress her fellow, "Well met indeed..." Given a moment's silent scrutiny, she continues, "You'll forgive me, but I know not your name... or else it's long forgotten;" By way of explanation, she adds. "Gillhach am I, Serenwen. Huntress and servant of our Lord..." She depends upon the unspoken question...

A smile appears on the white-clad maid's lips at the huntress' polite greeting. "Gillhach," she repeats, bowing slightly in reply. "That name stirs a memory and I am sure I have heard it, but I would not have remembered it. I am pleased to make your aquaintence, Huntress Gillhach. My name is Gallia, Ambassador of Lothlorien."

Gillhach inclines her head to a side, and with brow raised; says: "Ambassador? A noble role, no less..." She smiles a broad smile, and nods, "Again, well met... and yet, I wonder," She pauses, "'tis a way from the city, what might bring an Ambassador this far north? Business of import, no doubt?" Given a moment, she laughs (inwardly, it seems) and touches an unassuming hand to her breast, explaining; "You'll forgive me my prying? I've had no news for a spell, and nought but myself for company."

Gallia chuckles and shakes her head. "There is naught to forgive, mellon. If I did not wish to speak to you, I would have slipped into the talan above," with this she gestures into the tree she had been about to ascend, "... without a word to you. Besides, there is nothing secretive or even very important about why I am here. First, I simply enjoy a nightime walk in the forest. Second, I wanted to see if there were any supplies or maintinence needed in the guest talan. Someone needs to check on it once in a while to make sure it is always ready for unexpected visitors."

"Forsooth," Gillhach offers up, "'tis a most resplendent night to walk the wood;" She gestures dismissively, "And yet, given a day afoot, on taxing paths; one's sense of aesthetics is secondary to something of a rest. She motions to the gear heaped by her erstwhile seat, "I'd resigned myself to a restful night, 'ere you passed me by."

Gallia glances at the gear, and then back to Gillhach. "Were you aware that there was a resting-place just above our heads in this tree?" she asks with a smile. "Not that the meadow is a poor place to rest, but there are comfortable places to sit and usually food available up there."

"Aye," The huntress nods, "I knew, and yet." She bunches her slender shoulders up to a shrug, "Upon the ground I find more comfort... still I remember the days when telain were nought but hides for the hunters." And she smiles, "'sides, I'd rather not haul my kills up a tree, only to drop them down the following morn." A brace of young rabbits, a pheasant or two can be seen on the pile, 'neath skins and tied at the feet with wire so as to be carried. "As for food," Her smile widens, "I can always eat the catch, given some tinder and a bit of bracken, or somesuch."

Gallia chuckles and nods. "Aye, I understand. Though it is not quite the same as a meal prepared by the finest cooks in Lothlorien. Still, this place by the stream is a pleasant spot to pass the time - I come here fairly often myself."

"Quaint, eh?" Gillhach laughs merrily, "I suppose it is that... but pleasant, verily." Drinking a deep draught of the night air, she heaves a sigh, "Altogether wholesome, this place... the air ittself."

Gallia nods in agreement, her gaze drawn towards the east where the golden trees are beginning to be illuminated with the dawn light. A sigh escapes her lips as well, though with a different tone to it. Shaking her head, she turns back to smile at Gillhach, forcing the moment back. "There are few places more serene than this one," she affirms softly.

"Verily... there are few indeed." She smiles, "It's not so much the place, as one's own serenity, I think. But, no matter." The huntress shakes her head, "At any rate, I'll not keep you further, with my banter. You've tasks to do, besides idle chat, I think? And I've need of rest at that..."

Gallia smiles brightly. "I shall leave you alone for now, then," she replies. "But I am very glad that we had a chance to meet, Gillhach. I shall see you again sometime, I imagine." With that, she turns to climb up the tree to take care of her intended business.