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Ent TP - Part 2

Long Plain 
You are nearing the Northern end of the plains. Lorien a shorth way to the North. To the South and West lie the Long Plain. The long rolling hills of the plain seem to move with the wind..the view is quite breathtaking. You look in wonder at the moving plains and wonder at thier beauty.

Talia sits on a small rise away from the camp. Her legs are crossed and her sword lays naked across her knees. The Commander's gaze shifts from the horizon to the blade occasionaly and her face is unreadable.

Kathalis walks over quietly moving beside talia silently, as he sets a hand lightly on her shoulder.

Terridan is standing towards the edge of the camp, looking out to the horizon. As he sees Talia, he raises an eyebrow curiously, then walks over to her slowly, and speaks softly, "Cousin..."

Talia stirs at the arrival of other elves. Looking up to the figures framed by the last light of the day, she greets them only with a slight nod, no smile. "Would you sit with me?" she asks quietly looking to the both of you.

Terridan looks to his cousin slowly, then nods, and he sits down next to her slowly, crossing his legs, "Of course...cousin."

Kathalis nods slowly ant takes a seat next to talia silently for a moment before whispering to her softly "Love ... you ...." even threw the whisper concern can be heard in his over as he looks apon Talia.

It is dusk, and the waning light of the sun sets the sky aflame; the tall grasses in which this plain is swathed are sent all awry by those cool breezes that wash over them. Nestled among those same grasses are many tents, all grey; and of a hue that defies the eyes. Emerging from one such dwelling, an elleth, all cloaked and cowled walks out to meet those few that have gathered about the commander.

Talia looks from one side to the other at the elfs already at her side. To Kathalis' question she nods slightly, though her expression does not back up the physical affirmation. Running one finger over the blade laid across her lap, she speaks quietly, "Have the patrols returned?" Glancing behind her as a shadow falls over the trio, she nods to her sister.

Kathalis face shows no expression but his eyes show his concern as he lightly wraps his good arm around talia's shouler... glancing at the others to respond...

Terridan nods his head slowly, "Aye... some have returned... but not all cousin."

Closing then on those three; her cousin and her sister (about whom she has draped her spouse). And seemingly concerned at the solemnety of the trio, Glinden removes her cowl; and with her head inclined, she looks then to Talia. An unspoken, yet quite apparent question is in her emerald eyes (for indeed, words seem meaningless) as she looks to her sibling.

Talia's face strains as Kathalis touches her right arm, though it is covered by her cloak. She quickly brings her expression under control again however, if slightly on the melancholy side. Extending an arm to a spot of grass, she motion to Glinden, "Sit sister, if you have the time." Then to anyone she continues, "Those patrols that have returned...do they bring word of our assailants?"

At her sister's behest, Glinden sits then; though she does not answer the question, (Kathalis and Talia seem more knowledgeable on't than does she) Instead, she does but sit and listen; her gaze ever upon the face of her younger sibling.

Kathalis continues to lightly touch talia arm shifting slightly himself, softly he begins to sing under is breath causing a soft pale glow to surround his hand.

Terridan shakes his head slightly, "Nay cousin... I know not if they have word of the assailants."

Shrouded in darkness, a grey-cloaked figure nears the group of elves from the rolling plains to the west. He is armed, longbow in hand and blade sheathed at his belt. Striding close, the sparkle of a golden garnet encrusted dagger can be seen peeking from the folds of his cloak. The black cowl on his head shrouds his face. As he reaches the fire he removes it, light brown hair tussled by the cowl poking out in all sorts of directions, and deep blue eyes gazing over at the familiar person of his betrothed. Aglahad walks closer to the four guards, but stays a few feet away as they speak amongst themselves....

As the familiar sense of warmth finds her skin, Talia jumps and moves back quickly. She grasps her wounded arm defensively and shakes her head quickly, "No, Kathalis. Leave it be." She pulls back her cloak and looks at the torn piece of skin, a bandage affixed only to stop the bleeding, "Let it scar as a reminder of my failure." Her eyes are sad and she keeps her newly withdrawn position; and though she nearly backs into him, she has not seemed to notice Aglahad's presence thus far.

With an absent motion of one hand to a spot beside her, Glinden summons Aglahad over; allowing her eyes to stray for a brief moment from Talia's visage, that she might look upon her beloved. She smiles then, though the gesture seems out of place among such solemnity, fo all her kin seem saddened (though by what she does not know).

Terridan looks up to Talia in surprise, then stands slowly, "Cousin, you have not failed..." he walks over towards her.

Kathalis pulls back quickly as and begins to stand as Talia pulls away, he says softly, "You did not fail Talia..." he begins to turn to walk away...her reaction hitting him as hard as any blow...

Aglahad moves over to sit by Glinden, his eyes catching her motion towards him. He reaches over with his arm to slowly circle her waist. Looking over at the three other guards, Aglahad frowns slightly but whispers to her, "What is wrong with these three?"

"I did not fail in turning back the assault we recieved," Talia says, her eyes growing cold. "But no Darkness should have ever crept so close to our camp. It is my duty in the absence of the Protector to assure that the Lady and her subjects do not come near harm, and in that: I failed." She sighs, looking suddenly regretful at the sight of Kathalis' back, "Kathalis...don't go."

Kathalis says softly as he continues to walk back to his tent, "It is not your fault, you put out the patrol, there was nothing more you could have done...." he snaps up his sword and begins to walk out west of the camp...

Terridan looks back to Kathalis, then turns back to Talia, "You protected the Lady though... there is nothing more that you could have done."

Distracted momentarily, her head rested lightly now upon Aglahad's shoulder; she manages a brief shrug, at best before answering, her voice naught more than a whisper, "I know not," her words though are cut short, and those of the trio concerned become self-evident.

Talia tears her eyes from the retreating form of her husband, her expression hard now. Lifting her chin a little and gazing at each of the remaining in turn, she releases a shaky breath, "That will be left to Lord Celeborn and the Knight-Protector to decide."

Letting out a loud cough, Aglahad looks at the three other guards. A frown has formed on his face, but he says nothing. His hold on Glinden tightens a little, and his speaks almost inaudibly in the direction of her ear. "It is always something with duty..no?"

Terridan looks over to Talia again, then nods his head, "Perhaps it is... but I saw nothing that you could have done more... you are the finest officer I know."

A short time later Kathalis disapears from view out west of the camp on the plane....

Chest heaving with a somewhat lengthly sigh, Glinden relaxes somewhat then; her arms encircling Aglahad in like manner, even as he tightens his hold on her. "Aye," She says then, her eyes closed, her voice low "duty, obligation or alike." She sighs once more.

Catching the gist of Aglahad's comment to Glinden, if not the words then the way in which they are said, Talia stands. Resheathing her sword with an unusually sharp motion, she inclines her head, "I leave you all to more pleasant matters than my fate, mellyn. My heart urges me to rest for the afternoon." She takes her leave, though gives Terridan a quick glance.

Terridan nods his head slowly to Talia as she walks away, "Namarie dear cousin..."