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Friends chatting in the Alqualonde

From Midnight into the Deep Night
Oranor Sun-Day
66 Laer Summer
Moon phase: Last Quarter Visible
Gil-Estel is not visible.
Loa 139 o Yen 21, Nelandran o Endor TA 3019

You are standing by a small lake whose water is blue and clear as crystal. The surface sparkles like sapphire where the sun shines on it near the center. White swans sail gracefully over the surface of the ailin, as it is called in elvish. It is for them that Galadriel christened this place Alqualonde, Swan-Haven, a memento of her days in Valinor when the world was young and untainted. The lake is surrounded by leafless trees with a snowy white bark. There is a feeling of utter peace and tranquility here, almost as if time were standing completely still. The fragrant scent of exotic flowers fills you with cheer as you rest here. Even now, just inside your reach, a single water lily floats idly by...

It's Midnight in the Golden Woods and there is peace all around. And this small haven, where the waters of the lake reflect the palid light of the moon, is not an exception. Everything is still and a veil of calm covers the place. A cool soft breeze blows slowly, not even touching the surface of the blue water.
Sitting just beside the bank of the lake there is a maiden, she's staring into the waters. Most of her body is still, as the rest of the things in the place, but her hands play upon her small harp, a song of joy and happiness, a merry song from the old days. Her lips curl up in a broad smile as she plays the melody.

Terridan walks down the path slowly towards the lake, for once not wearing his armor or his weapons. He glances about the lake, and blinks curiously as he sees the maiden. As he approaches slowly, he smiles a bit, and inclines his head, "Mae govannen."

The voice of the guard gets to the maiden as a spellbreaker, the music stops and her hands frozen upon the small instrument. Slowly does her gaze move from the waters to the figure of the approaching elf, and slowly does she answer in her sweet musical tone, "Mae Govannen, mellon"

Silently Kathalis makes his way up the path into Alqualonde whistling softly to himself.

Terridan smiles softly, then walks over towards Aldarwen, and kneels down slightly next to her, "Forgive the intrusion... that was a beautiful song though..." as he hears the whistling, he stops, and turns to face Kathalis, smiling softly, "Mae govannen."

Half a yard away from the Bard, there is a medium-sized travel-pack. In it she does now put her harp, and from it she takes out a leather bag, which she puts upon her lap. Her eyes set first upon Terridan's, now much nearer; a short fiery look but then a smile, "You did not have much time to enjoy my Valley treasures the other day, maybe you will have more time this night?". Then she turns towards Kathalis and bows her head with a broad grin upon her, "Pleased to see you, my dear friend Kathalis! Do join us! I have presents for everyone"

Kathalis wonders over and smiles, "Mae govannen, mellyn." he grins as he steps over to Aldarwen and leans over to give her a hug.

Terridan smiles widely as he turns back towards Aldarwen, and nods his head once, "I do apologize for that... but I do have much time tonight... so let us enjoy the treasures that you have brought back with you."

As Kathalis approaches her and hugs her, the maiden starts giggle merrily, her eyes seem to light up with a new inner fire. Raising an eyebrow at Terridan's words, she opens the bag upon her lap and brings out one blueberry, she then says, "Let's see, open your mouth, my friend". She waits for a second and then aims the blueberry towards Terridan's lips.

Terridan catches the blueberry easily in his mouth, and he smiles widely, "They're as good as they were yesterday..." he grins widely, then looks up towards Kathalis, "Sit down mellon... and join us."

Kathalis smiles and takes a seat along side Terridan and Aldarwen, "How was your trip mellon?"

Aldarwen giggles merrily again and says, "You are a good catcher, mellon", she brings out now a big bunch of berries, and offers half of it to each of the guards. As the extends her hand toward Kathalis she says, "I hope you like them, my friend, I collected them myself." She makes a pause and says, "And for the trip, fortunately it was alright, we had no troubles in the way, and our stay in the Valley was indeed very nice."

A figure with flowing hair of ebony silently appears from the Quiet Path. Her gait is smoothe- her movement reminiscent of floating. Upon noticing the small group of elves by the water, she hangs back in attempt to discern faces before approaching.

Kathalis smiles at takes the berries , "Thank you mellon.."

Rayakalm hums a tune and looks over the water into the distance. He is walking along the shore of the lake and is slowly comming nearer to the spot where the other elves are sitting.

As another couple of elves arrive toward the place where they are sitting, Aldarwen starts laughing sweetly and says, "It seems this is to become a gathering, doesn't it?". Bowing her head first to Calelia and then to her cousin Rayakalm she calls out, "Well met, my friends, come and join us, there's food and wine and joy to spare".

Terridan turns to face the rest of the arriving elves, and smiles widely, "Indeed it is..." he moves over to make room for the rest, calling over to them while he does, "Join us, mellyn... and see what Aldarwen has brought back with her."

Calelia's face beams on recognising the fellowship gathered. "Mae govannan, mellyn! Aldarwen, Terridan, Kathalis!" Terridan's greeting causes her to turn and notice Rayakalm behind her. She smiles and waves at him and then makes her way to sit with the three. "How does this day treat you, mellyn?"

Rayakalm's attention is drawn to the gathering by the familiar voices calling out. "Hello there!" He shouts back. "Of course I will join you!" And he quickens his pace and is shortly arriving at the crowd where he greets everyone and sits down near his cousin.

Kathalis looks up and smiles, "Mae govannen Calelia."

Reaching into the pack beside her again, Aldarwen brings out a clay jar and a wooden box. She sets the jar upon the ground and opens the wooden box. She raises her head and silently counts the number of elves, lowering her gaze again, she brings out five delicate glasses from inside the box. After that, she takes the jar and starts filling the glasses while she says, "I'm so happy to be back, it's so nice to be able to spend the time with your friends... I missed these small gatherings a lot while a was in the Valley. Once..." As she finishes with the glasses she raises her eyes and goes on talking, to no one in particular, "... a woman, one of those disgusting second-born, dared to speak of our Woods as bewitched and evil. And she was sharing the table with Lord Elrond!". The bard shakes her head in dispair.

Calelia's face darkens and a subtle fire lights behind her eyes. "A second born had the audacity to say what?"

Terridan frowns slightly, "Hmm... and what was said in response to her?" The guard's face darkens slightly, and he waits for Aldarwen's response.

Rayakalm smiles greedily as he sees the glasses, but he frowns at the words of the bard.

"I think she was told that there are different cultures and habits, and that she might mistake a strange habit for something bad", says the bard pressing her lips for a moment, but then smiles, "Anyway, " she adds, shaking her hand in the air as to dismiss the thought, "Please take a glass of this cordial, brought from the Valley's vintage. It's blueish color is amazing, but more amazing is it's taste"

Rayakalm says with a laugh, "That sounds like music to me. I have become quite thirsty after my walk." And he passes the glasses along to the elves sitting further away.

Calelia accepts a glass from Aldarwen and holds it up to the light, studying the colour. "It really does have a blue tint to it, doesn't it?" She swirls it and breathes in the delicious aroma. Bringing the glass to her lips, she sips and lets the glorious flavour roll over her tongue. She shivers involuntarily. "That /is/ simply amazing!"

Nodding to the comments on the liquor Aldarwen says, "Indeed, it's not that our wines aren't nice, but it's good to taste something different sometimes". After saying this, she looks into the pack and says, "Oh, I have some shortbread here, too. It goes alright with the blueberries". As she brings another small bag out of her pack, she handles out a piece of that bread and some berries to each of the elves.

Terridan smiles widely, then takes his own glass, "It is amazing... I think even our winemakers would be impressed by it..." he sips his a bit, and turns to face Aldarwen, "Well, besides that experience, how was Imladris?"

Rayakalm takes a sip but before he starts to eat he falls in with Terridan. "Yes, tell us about Imladris, cousin. I have never been there myself, and I am very curious about all you can tell." His eyes look eagerly at the master bard. He now takes a bite and his expression changes from eagerness to delight as he tastes the bread.

Calelia again accepts Aldarwen's offering. She glances at the surrounding woodlands, listens for a moment and seems satisfied with what she hears. She then lays on her back with her blueberries and shortbread on a handkerchief beside her. She munches silently, watching the sky and listening to the conversation.

Pondering Terridan's question for a moment, Aldarwen says, "It was alright. I spent a lot of time with Elethin, exchanging news and knowledge." Her eyes broaden and her smile becomes more shiny as she speaks of Elethin, "She's become a healer now!". Now looking toward her cousin she bites her lip for a moment and says, "It's quite different than here. Many people coming and going, many people I would never ever talk to having almost the same rights as the elves". She shrugs slightly and adds, "It just doesn't feel like home".

Terridan raises an eyebrow slightly, "Elethin? A healer?" he grins, and shakes his head, "I'm sure those that she attends to must enjoy the treatment then..." he smiles, "But, like you said... it is not like home.. and it is good to have you back."

Aldarwen nods again at the Warden's words and inclines to search into the pack murmuring, "Let's see if I can find anything else of interest in here". Her hands turn the many contents from one side to the other and after a while she exclaims, "Ah! Presents!" With this she raises her head and smiles misteriously to the elves gathered.

Calelia sits up with interest and a gentle laugh. "Leave it to Aldarwen to bring us all presents," she muses. "She's always thinking of others, isn't she Terridan?"

Terridan grins widely, then sits back, looking over towards Calelia, "That she is..." he grins as he turns back towards Aldarwen expectantly.

Giggling merrily as she looks into the pack, Aldarwen takes out a leather sheath for a long-sword and offers it to Terridan, "My friend, Terridan, I've brought this scabbard for you, I hope you do like it as much as I did". Looking at it for an instant she adds, "I asked for a crescent moon to be carved upon it, the sign of your house".

Terridan smiles softly, then takes the scabbard, looking over it slowly, "It's beautiful mellon..." he looks up, smiling widely, "Thank you..."

Calelia peers over Terridan's shoulder and wonders at the beautiful craftsmanship.

The joy sparkles upon Aldarwen's face as she inclines once again over her pack and brings out a forhead charm made of silver, with an onyx stone set upon it. As she raises the charm, it catches the light and reflects it upon all the elves. The bard then says toward Calelia, "Receive this, Calelia, I think it will look great on you".

Calelia beholds the charm and is breathless. She tenderly accepts the beautiful piece of jewelry and admires it. "Aldarwen... it's beautiful. I don't know what to say!" She fumbles with the clasp and then looks up with an almost apologetic expression. "Will you put it on for me?" Kathalis looks up from where he sits and smiles to Aldarwen.. Once again the bard lowers herself and reaches into her pack, that slowly starts to diminish in size. She brings out two objects this time: a quiver made of leather, and a small harp, similar to hers but painted in blue and green. She handles the quiver to Kathalis as she says, "My dear friend Kathalis, I know you're a great archer, and I thought of bringing you a quiver for your arrows". Then smiling toward her cousin she says, "And to you, Rayakalm, I've brought a small harp, now you won't be able to escape my lessons". With this she starts laughing musically.

Terridan smiles and turns to face Calelia, closing the clasp for her, "There you are mellon... it does look good on you..." he turns back towards Aldarwen, and grins, "Did you get nothing for yourself?"

Kathalis smiles softly as she hands him the quiver, "Thank you very much.."

Hearing Calelia's request after handling the other pair of presents, Aldarwen blushes slightly and says, "I'm sorry, let me see". She spies the way Terridan has just put it and presses her lips for a moment, she takes the charm again in her hands and slowly puts it upon Calelia's brow. The long fingers of the bard touch the head of the other maiden just slightly, as in a caress, as she moves the charm a bit to put it in the right place.

Aldarwen keeps laughing, joy invading her as she gives what she has brought. In response to Terridan's question she says, "I've brought Elethin back to the Woods, that is a great gift, for me and all. And also, I've brought the joy of finding you all here and well."

Rayakalm first blushes but then starts laughing too. "Thank you, master." He says while taking the gift from her. He look at it from several angels. "It is very beautiful. Who was its maker?" He asks then, looking up again.

Calelia thanks the bard with much admiration in her voice. "I never have been one to be able to set jewelry quite right... you are a dear to lend your expertise, not to mention provide the ornament."

Terridan smiles again, and nods his head as he looks towards Aldarwen, "She is indeed very skilled at it... it appears our bard has a mass of hidden talents as well as those that she excels at so apparantly."

Turning now toward her cousin, Aldarwen smiles to him and says, "Its maker? An artisan and great bard of the Valley of Imladris, known by the name of Fearsul." Turning to Calelia she blushes slightly and says, "You don't have to thank me, dear Calelia, not at all". Finally, as Terridan makes a comment on her skills, she blushes totally red and bites her lip in silence.

Rayakalm nods and looks at the harp again. "It looks magnificent. I wonder how it sounds." He looks at his cousin with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips. "You have certainly succeeded in lighting the fire for music in my heart again. But I am afraid I cannot play it yet. Would you do us the honour of playing a song for us?"

Taking her still untouched glass of cordial to her lips Aldarwen sips from it slowly and then turns toward her cousin with an eyebrow raised, "Well, I think that this has been enough for being the centre of attention..." She bites her lips and adds, "Maybe later, Rayakalm". Then she looks up at the rest and says, " I'd really like to hear your own pieces of news now, mellyn."

Calelia nods in agreement. "Yes, Aldarwen... it has been too long since I have heard you play!"

Terridan smiles softly, then shrugs his shoulders, "In all truth... I have very little news to tell..." he smiles widely, "But do play us a song, mellon... we've all missed your talent with music."

Rayakalm offers Aldarwen the harp. "Please, take it and enlight our hearts with your song." He says smiling broadly.

As she's asked by the rest of the elves Aldarwen's face turns to a crimson color and she giggles looking into her half-filled glass of cordial. After a short pause she shrugs and says, "Alright, mellyn, I shall play". She empties the glass promptly and then puts it down beside her. Taking the harp offered by Rayakalm she nods once and caresses the instrument for a short moment.

Though sorry having to let go of the instrument, Rayakalm sits back against a tree and prepairs to enjoy the music and simultaneously to learn from the master bard.

The long white fingers of the bard set upon the harp and tune it up quickly and masterfully. She then looks at her audience again, the smile upon her lips showing she's really enjoying her duty as a bard. After a brief moment of silence, she starts playing on it, a quick and merry tune, that flies around the elves as a bird does.

Terridan leans back in the grass near the lake, listening with rapt attention as Aldarwen begins to play.

The music from the harp keeps flying around, twisting and up and down, imitating the song of a nightingale. Aldarwen lets her fingers fly over the strings and the notes come out of the instrument sweetly and without any effort. When all the place is finally filled with the melody, the bard closes her eyes and starts singing,

A hidden singer from the trees
Of wary days and nights of peace
Sings for us in high sweet voice
Its melody does make us rejoice.

Calelia sighs contentedly as she sinks deeper into the music.

Terridan smiles softly, closing his eyes as he listens to the music.

The music grows up high and then drops down quickly toward the lake, as nightingale's usually fly. The fingers of the maiden touch the strings very lightly, dancing over the whole instrument. Aldarwen takes in a deep breath as she sings the next verses,

In its fair and continuous song,
Sings for us for days long
The call of joy, the call of love,
comes for us from high above.

Rising in volume, the music from the harp brings now the image of a loving couple of nightingales flying above the treetops of the Golden Wood. Up and down, and then in circles, it's song never failing to accompany them. As the image fades slightly, the voice of the maiden comes high again,

So mighty and so minute,
Its voice is sweeter than a flute
So fair, and yet so frail
Most loved is the nightingale.

Terridan lays back onto the forest floor, and closes his eyes, still listening to Aldarwens song.

Finally, the music from the harp fades slowly, and the voices of the nightingales seem to fly away over the tops of the trees to the north of the lake. The fingers of the bard lingering for a little while more upon the strings of the harp, she smiles wide and then hands back the harp to Rayakalm, saying in a soft voice now, "I hope you liked the song"

Terridan smiles widely, then looks over towards Aldarwen, "It was lovely..."

Rayakalm sighs deeply. "Beautiful." Is all he says. He takes the harp carefully and caringly puts it beside him.

Calelia lets out her breath, realising that she's been holding. "Oh Aldarwen... that was beautiful. Your gift for song never ceases to amaze me."

Aldarwen grins and bows her head slightly, "Thank you," she says and then leans back slightly for a moment, regarding the group of friends in silence. Suddenly, as she sees the leather bag that is still sitting upon her lap, she says, "Anyone wants more blueberries?"

Kathalis sits back and smiles softly watching everyone here.

Terridan smiles softly, then stands up, shaking his head, "I'm afraid I must return to the borders mellon... but I will come to see you again soon though..."

Calelia stands and dusts off her dress. She moves over to Aldarwen and hugs her. "Thank you for the beatiful charm, mellon."

Aldarwen nods to Terridan and smiles, "That's alright, mellon, I know your duty calls you. Thanks for sharing this time with us." After a short pause she adds, "Anyway, I still have to get into the city and attend some of the Glirdain matters. I think I shall start my walk too". Feeling Calelia's hug she giggles and says, "Thanks for being here, mellon".

Rayakalm smiles. "I will take those berries from you, if you don't mind. I have nowhere to go today." He says goodbye to all who depart, pops a berry in his mouth and leans back against his tree.

Quickly but yet tidily, Aldarwen starts to put all the things in her pack again. Hearing Rayakalm's wish she asks, "The whole bag, cousin?" She giggles as she passes it to him and then finishes closing her travel-pack.

Kathalis smiles softly over to Aldarwen and says, "This was wonderful mellon."

After she has put her pack over her back, Aldarwen takes one of Kathalis' hands among both of her and says in a soft tone, "I'm glad you have enjoyed it, mellon. I hope everything goes fine. I'll leave for the city now". She stands up and faces Rayakalm for a moment, she winks at him and says, "Don't eat too many of those berries at the same time, or I'll have you in the hospital for indegestion"

Rayakalm grins, which makes him look very silly with his mouth full. He tries to say something, but that doesn't work out like it should. He quickly swallows and then says, "I will watch myself. Thanks for your concern. I am not planning to see you for that." Before he digs in the bag again he adds: "But I would like to see you for musical lessons."

Nodding once to her cousin, Aldarwen leaves toward the west, carrying her pack, and withsw You leave Alqualonde and follow the forest path southwest.

You look upon a slender elf maiden, her eyes are dark green and if you look deep in them you can see the leaves of the trees of her childhood still quivering. She has long hair and the color is a bit greenish, like the grass in automn.
She's wearing a shinning white dress made of silk, short enough to show most of her slim legs.A thin silver belt tightens around her waist. Hanging from the belt at her waist there is a small leather bag, that seems filled with many things of different shapes.  She wears no necklace or rings of any kind.


You see a youthful elven man who stands 6'10", his athletic build moves quietlyand fluidly, making only the slightest of sounds. His deep brown hair is the color of tempered gold and flows loosely around his shoulders, framing his sharp features. On his left ear is a silver earcuff. Around his neck is a silver chain, a slender rope that looks much like liquid silver in the way it moves, hanging from it is a small red stone which shines and glitters, An elven T is carved on to the surface and the rest is polished to a smooth glint. His deep blue eyes have a look of warmth and dedication to them. Drapped over his shoulders is a large grey cloak, a black cowl resting above it. Along the inner line of the cowl, near where it meets the cloak, you can see a thin silver cord. The cloak itself is fastened by a crystal starburstwith a silver cresent set in the center, the symbolof house Dinlom. Slung across his back is an finely crafted elven longbow, and a quiver full of arrows is strapped onto his right hip. Beneath the cloak you can see his torso is covered by coat of shining ringmail, and on his left hip, a finely crafted longsword rests. His forearms are covered by a pair of leather wrist-guards, that extend halfway down his fingers, allowing him a better grip. His legs are covered by a pair of brown leggings, and on the belt there is a heavily padded satchel. On his feet are boots fashioned from a dark brown leather.


A tall elf of 7 feet, his sandy blonde hair is tied neatly back in a simple silvery cord and his silver eyes sparkly as he scans the area quickly. Pushed back off his head is a shinning white cowl, along the inner edge of the cowl the Silver Cord of the Cukano is sewn the mark of a master archer. Under his grey cloak which is held together by a clasp, shaped in the symbol of House Raavindonserke, can be seen a glint of metal off his ringmail armor, also the hilt of his sword can be seen. He wears a pair of black pants. Upon his right wrist can be seen a bracer of intertwined silver and gold, and encrusted with jewels of many kinds. Around his neck hangs a simple medallion in the shape of a Falcon. A simple golden ring can be seen shining on the ring finger.


A tall slender figure of an ageless female greets your glance. Tresses the colour of liquid night cascade down her back with soft whispy tendrils framing her face of porcelain. Violet-grey eyes peer through long lashes. Falling smoothly over her slender body, a pale-lilac dress outlines her delicate features.


You see a tall and slender Elf. Dreamy dark eyes look out of a pale friendly face. Dark also is the hair that flows down his back. He wears a shirt of the purest green silk, soft even to the eyes. Light and shade move over it in an undulating motion; it seems of air, clinging to him like a whisper. The shirt is tucked with a certain flare under an intricately braided belt of leather. Well fitted pants stretch over his legs, sheathing them in a warm almond color.
