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Lendalas first RP as Celeborn

Here the stairway through the mellyrn meets the top of a mighty hill. You stand in the middle of a great lawn filled with blue and yellow flowers. A sweet scent fills the air. In the middle of the lawn stands a great shimmering fountain which falls into a basin of silver. From the basin flows a white stream of water out into a small brook, which then trickles away down the hill. Further north stands a mallorn tree of such magnificent height that it seems to reach even to the clouds.

Kathalis sits quietly leaning up agains the fountain, free of his arms and armor today, softly playing his flute, sweat melody, lightly filling the lawn with its silvery tunes.

A cool, somewhat breezy winters night. Above, the vaulted sky is lit by Ithil, and the veil of Elbereth's stars. Some few are here, upon the lawn and atop the stairs. Partaking of the beauty of this night, and the splendour of Caras Galadhon. And one such mounts the landing atop the stair, walking on towards the fountain central to this copse. She (a maid she is, one can see't quite clearly) is cloaked in grey, that, no doubt she might ward off something of the chill breeze. And yet, no hood is up about her face, and her wealth of fiery hair spills over her shoulders, cascading down her back.

Kathalis looks up and smiles softly as he continues to play, nodding a greeting to you.The stream that issues from the fountain bubbles merrily down the hill.

Mirroring that greeting in like fashion as she nears, with a nod and a kind smile. Gillhach moves to seat herself before the fountain, having set her gear aside. Gathering her cloak tight about her person, she sits then, and listens.

His lighlty silvery tune lightly lifts as his finger dance almost magiclly across the flutes surface, Kathalis' silver eyes sparkle with mirth.

Terridan walks up the steps quietly, pulling his cowl back as he crests the top. He turns towards the sound of the flute, then smiles widely as he sees his friend playing.

From a side path you hear the sound of hammering."A pretty tune," Gillhach breaks her silence, at last. "Aye," Lips curl to a smile, "And a pretty night on which to play't, no less." She motions to the sky, for in the heavens are set the full array of Varda's works: And Earendil, most beloved of those is kindled red among them. She sighs, a bittersweet sigh, and speaks not further.

Kathalis lowers his flute slowly and smiles to Gillhach, "Thank you mellon, I do my best, though I am no bard by far..." glancing over to nod a greating to Terridan as he approaches, before speaking again, "And how fair you this night?"

Terridan smiles softly, "I fair well indeed mellon... but you do not give yourself enough credit, for were you not once a bard yourself?"

"Oh aye?" Attention piqued, Gillhach looks betwixt the two, though not incredulously, "A thing I had not known, of ye," She smiles once more, "though such trivialities are innumerable among our folk... I should think it strange if a person were to do but one thing in all the times of their life."

Kathalis smiles slightly, "It is nothing mellon, I was a member of the Glirdan, mainly consintrating on healing though..."

Terridan smiles softly, then nods his head slowly to Gillhach's words, "Indeed they are..." he turns back to Kathalis, "Yet you seem to be favored by everyone in the woods... even the Lady herself prefers your music above the rest."

A shrug, "Some talents come from the heart, be they those which one might persue, or be they not. A pretty tune, Kathalis." Gillhach nods, and smiles yet a while as she stands. "And yet I fear I must take my leave of ye both." She nods, "Terridan," And sets about gathering up her stuff, "Alas," She adds then, "That my respite is so short..."

Kathalis smiles softly, "Namarie Gillhach, Fare well..."


Near the Great Tree
You stand next to a giant Mallorn tree, the tallest in the entire world. Its silver bark is beautiful and unblemished, and the golden leaves above are as large as shields. A ladder hangs down from above, leading high up into the branches of the giant tree. Three elves stand guard at the base of the tree. A room is to the rear of the tree, around to the north.

The elves smile at the sight of their Lord, and greet him respectfully.

Unescorted and without fanfare, a tall looming figure blocks out a patch of stars as it descends from the heights above. About him, what few guardsmen and wardens there are, elves stiffen to attention as he wanders by, and then relaxes as he is passed. Striking silvery sparkles, his long hair lies unbound and unfettered in the evening light;The Lord of Lothlorien has come down to... relax?

It is a night of a kind that lesser folk might hope to behold, but once in their short lives. For here you are stood in the very heart of Elvendom on earth. Above, in the heavens are set the full array of Varda's works: And Earendil, most beloved of those is kindled red among them.
All is tranquil, the birds are taken to their perches and sing no songs, awaiting the dawn perhaps, and the rising of the sun over the endless rows of the mallyrn. Some few are out this night, partaking of the beauty and splendour of Caras Galadhon. And one such, a maid. Comes up from the south, though she is yet a while off.

Allowing for a brief moment to revel in the tranquility about him, Celeborn gazes with silent communication at the tall silhouettes of the surrounding trees. There, a golden mallryn whispers quietly to the Lord in the gentle breeze. Elsewhere, the rustle of an oak brings news and prediction of the upcoming morning.
But still, despite all of the activity of the nighted wood, the Lord is undesturbed. Understandibly, as well, for this is the Golden Wood, and such tranquil nights are common beneath its eaves, although only mystical legend elsewhere. Stopping at the base of the tree, the Lord gazes towards the path and lawn to the south.

And so, carried up the path with long strides: Gillhach is come well nigh upon the Lord, ere she notices him. Distracted perhaps, by some fleeting fancy among the trees, or absorbed in her own thought. With that recognition, the elleth stops midstep, and, offering up a shallow bow, as haste permits. She speaks a greeting at the last, her tone quieted, that she might not disturb him overmuch. "Good eve, my lord." She coughs hastily, and adds . "I pray that I do not intrude... else I shall withdraw."

Bright eyes gleam from the Lord as he nods his head solemnly towards the elleth. In reply, he murmers, "A good eve to you as well, Gillhach." Letting his eyes stray again and linger amongst the trees, Celeborn continues, "Nay... your actions have not intruded on my thoughts, though to do so would be no crime." Upon saying thus, the stern lines of Celeborn's face relax slowly into a glimmer of a smile. "'Tis but to the trees I listen to this evening. They are quite musical tonight."

"Aye my lord? Voices of the trees, so 'twas read to me once: All our folk wandered, and did awaken the trees to speak with them." She shakes her head slowly, "I have not the ears to listen, I fear. Ever mine eyes were to the kelvar, but they are brief. And though those with ears might hear their voices with ease, the words of the ancient, growing things are a subtlety I have yet to master..." She smiles then, her gaze following that of her lord, "Doubtless 'tis a song worth hearing, that they sing."

"Hmmm... not quite words do I hear from our mallryn," replies the Lord, "But their song. Faint it is amongst the wind, but full of life nonetheless." Closing his eyes, Celeborn tilts his head back to listen some more, his smile now growing more in contentment.

Lending a moments silence, that she might attempt such insight into't as Celeborn doth posess, the maid closes her eyes in like fashion. A moment later, she shakes her head. "Alas, my mind is ever elsewhere... and indeed, I find myself too attuned to the skutterings and rustlings of the Kelvar to avoid distraction..."

With reopening eyes, the Lord nods his head to the words of Gillhach, "'Tis oft with myself as well, although Galadriel has oft argued that it should not be so." Upon reflection of the Lady of the Wood, Celeborn seems to return to the path before him, "Aye... a word of advice, Gillhach. Do not lose yourself too far into the mundane and forget to listen to the trees sing once in a while. Else, we lose our contact with the land."