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Orgilion <Stars-day>
45 Firith <Fading>
Moon phase: Full <VISIBLE>
Loa 134 o Yen 21, Nelandran o Endor <TA 3014>

Fangorn Forest
You are embarking through the boughs of Fangorn. A path lies here, seemingly made by large and heavy beings as the dirt is packed and smooth. The trees about you have an ominous way about them, making you feel uneasy to be here. The trees themselves seem to make the path, as all other ways are blocked. Continue carefully, for there are things unheardof that live within these woods. Although the trees become very protective of their land at this time of night, there is just enough of a patch of light from the silverly moon to enable you to see your path clearly.

Terridan steps away from the main group slowly, and moves to stand on the edge of the camp, looking out into the forest.

Aldarwen raises her head as she sees you moving, and walking some steps slowly, gets by your side, she looks out the same way you do for some seconds and then sighs, "Have the scouts returned?"

Terridan nods, a soft sigh escaping from him, "Aye, some have..." he turns to face Aldarwen, "I'm afraid that they were unable to find any signs of the Onod..."

Aldarwen looks around and smiles, "We have signs of the Ents all around us. Look at this path, do you think it was made by elf or men? No, it is a path made for the Treeherds to walk... And do you think trees would give that sensation if they were just left alone? No, they are like that because they have the Ents to care them..." She sighs again, "Anyway, I know what you mean, we don't know where they are, where to find them... But I'm sure we will be able to find at least one of them".

Terridan smiles at Aldarwen's words, "You are right, mellon, even Aiwendil remarked on how these trees seem to form a path for us," he looks around the forest for a moment, then returns his gaze to Aldarwen, "I am sure that when they wish it, they will show themselves to us."

Aldarwen nods, "Indeed, that's what they will do. I just would like it to be soon, I can't stand waiting here for them to show up. Last night I went for a walk with Aiwendil, we didn't go far, but it was quite frightening and we turned back." She looks at the moon and adds, "We didn't find any ill trees, but I don't know what we may have seen if we had gone during the day".

Terridan nods slowly, "Aiwendil and I talked earlier, he was looking about the trees, though I am not sure what for though," he sighs again, "This forest does not seem to like wanderers in it," he gestures to the path again in referance.

Aldarwen shakes her head, "It's very tricky and you have to walk with extreme care not to get lost. That's why I didn't let Aiwendil go alone, and I insist on going in groups of two or three when we go inspect the forest. We are elves, but the forest is still afraid of us, we have to make friendship with it".

Terridan nods, "Aye, that we do... it still seems to be wary of us, but I feel that it is getting to trust us more and more with each passing day we are here," he smiles, and takes a deep breath of the forest air.

Aldarwen smiles, too. Getting herself to sit against one of the trees that surrounds the encampment. Calmly she takes out her harp, and after letting her fingers dance for a little over the instrument, she looks up and says, "I think the trees like the music, maybe it is a way of getting to their hearts".

Terridan smiles widely, and sits close to her, "Aye, perhaps it is at that," he motions towards the harp, "play for them, mellon, and show them that we are their friends."

Aldarwen's fingers start moving around the harp smothly, filling the surroundings with peace and stillness. Her eyes are closed and she's deeply concentrated in her playing.

The music is like this forest, old and eternal, and with each note you hear the breeze making leaves quiver and rustle. The elven maiden breathes deeply, in a kind of sigh, and starts murmuring some light sounds, then begins to sing softly and windly, going in a tiny crescendo.

There's sweet music calling from a secret forest,
like a slow thunder come to us the voices of the oldest,
green and golden leaves shine in this unsafe wood,
where you may find peace and bliss if your soul is good.
Through fate and time the trees green and mighty grow,
clad in glossy leaves that they proudly show.

Going over their land swiftly, on unbending legs,
transmitting life and joy, are the huge and ancient Ents,
the tallest and strongest race into the world born
whose oldest and more sapient one is called Fangorn.
Silent but powerful they are, and timeless wise,
nature's secrets hidden in the flicker of their eyes.

Giant forest guardians, shephards of trees they are,
they love woods more than even the children of the stars.
They are made from the bones of the earth of old,
In their hearts so many names and stories they hold.
For they have seen thrive and decline many races,
And still nothing changing in their eyes or faces.

She stops singing but continues to mutter some sweet sounds that mix with the harp notes and create the sensation of a small fresh spring of water, then it grows slowly, reaching a smooth waterfall and going on. She continues playing with her fingertips through the cords and everything seems to be covered by water. She breathes deeply and begins the following verse with a smile.

In their houses rivers flow and give them nurture,
with that water they can make shine the whole nature.
Mysterious power of the old wood glows in their draughts,
as mysterious is the depth and strength of their thoughts.
Out in the forest, the moon on top of the birches gleams,
The trees have their own voices and sing along the streams.

Ents love dearly the slope of hills, and the wildwoods
they devote their lives to great trees, for they are good.
Their hands, rough but tender are the ones of who
has worked long to make the wonder of creation grew.
Although look very different one from another they may,
Ents are all the same in their hearts and eyes grey.

Giant forest guardians, shephards of trees they are,
they love woods more than even the children of the stars.
They are made from the bones of the earth of old,
In their hearts so many names and stories they hold.
For they have seen thrive and decline many races,
And still nothing changing in their eyes or faces.

From the beautiful green and white instrument, music continues growing, after the maiden finishes the song and those sounds illustrate nature making its way through time, with an overwhelming quantity of notes, that gets you near to shuddering. Then it starts to fade slowly and you are filled completely with peace, and some (if possible) new love for nature is growing in your heart.

The leaves of the trees rustle a bit as the song is finished, slowly there is more space among their branches to let the light of the moon pass. The pressing sensation has stopped, and there's a great calmness all around the place.

Terridan sighs softly, though happily, when he speaks his voice is scarcly above a whisper, "That was wonderful, mellon..." he looks up into the sky slowly, and the look on his face makes him seem that he is far away.

Aldarwen smiles a bit, and stares at Terridan with shinning eyes, not wishing to interrupt his thoughts.

Terridan slowly returns his gaze to Aldarwen, and tears begin to glisten at the edge of his eyes, "I just wish Miriamele would have heard it though..."

Aldarwen's eyes sparkle with the light of the moon as she hears you say that, "If you want, I may play it for her when we return."

Terridan nods slowly, "If it were not too much trouble, mellon?"

Aldarwen shakes her head, a broad smile still gleaming on her face, "Of course not, mellon. I'm a bard, I love to play, I may play all night long if my audience desires it".

Terridan smiles widely, "Aye mellon, I can see that you would at that," he pauses for a moment, then glances at the trees, "and your audience seems to not mind the music."

Aldarwen giggles and lets her fingers go through the cords for some seconds to accompany her smile, "I think they have realized we are friends".

Terridan nods, a slight laugh escaping him as he does, "Aye, I believe that they have at that."

You see a youthful elven man who stands 6'10", his athletic build moves quietly and fluidly, making only the slightest of sounds. His deep brown hair is the color of tempered gold and flows loosely around his shoulders, framing his sharp features. On his left ear is a silver earcuff.His deep blue eyes have a look of warmth and dedication to them. Drapped over his shoulders is a large grey cloak and cowl that is fastened by a crystal starburst with a silver cresent set in the center, the symbol of house Dinlom. Slung across his back is an finely crafted Elven longbow, and a quiver full of arrows is strapped onto his right hip. Beneath the cloak you can see his torso is covered by a white tunic that allows maximum movement. His left forearm is covered by a leather wrist-guard, and on his left ring finger there is a silver ring. His legs are covered by a pair of brown leggings, and on the belt there is a heavily padded satchel. On his feet are boots fashioned from a dark brown leather.


You look upon a slender elf maiden, her eyes are dark green and if you look deep in them you can see the leaves of the trees of her childhood still quivering. She has long hair and the color is a bit greenish, like the grass in automn. She's smiling, but in her expression you may notice she's not completely happy.
She's wearing a long green dress, that shimmers with different shades of green as the light reflects on it. A thin silver belt tightens around her waist. On the left shoulder, there's a green symbol of a dove being released by two hands. She wears no necklace or rings of any kind.
