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Erana's dance

Erana looks around the crowd for someone. Upon seeing her, she waves her hand. The elf walks over and joins Erana. She is carrying a flute.

Aldarwen goes to the center of the stage and talks to the audience again, "Now, Erana o Daernoss Arduril, please come to the stage".

Erana puts a hand to her chest to stop it from beating so hard. She walks up to the stage with the Bard right behind her.

Erana nervously smiles to Aldarwen as she passes by.

Tulgalad goes and finds himself a seat

Tirastaldo gives a little applause of welcome.

Aldarwen nods back to Erana and goes to stand to the corner of the stage.

Erana sits down with her legs crossed and her back to the crowd.

The Bard looks to Erana with her flute ready, waiting for Erana to signal her. After seeing a slight nod, she puts the flute to her lips and starts to play.

The music starts to float around the theatre, giving it a sense of longing.

Erana extends her hands out to her side, palm up. The fingers start to move of their own accord as the arms flow to above her head and back. First the right, and the left after.

The Bard starts to lift the tune, making it faster. It reminds you of the twinkling stars at night time.

Erana slowly stands up, all the while her arms and hands move in rhythmic motions. Each middle finger touches with the thumb every now and then as she twirls her hands around. Once she stands up completely, her left arm shoots out and points at the Bard.

Tirastaldo watches the stage intrigued by both the music and the movement

The Bard sees this and hastens the music. It reminds you of the bees and the butterflies quickly yet elogently moving their way through the air.

Erana feels the music surround her and stands up on her left foot. Her right points out and makes little bell sounds at each movement. She then combines her hands above her head, arches her back and spin on her foot. Her dress moves like the branches of trees when the wind is howling.

It is hard to see Erana's face as she spins so fastly. She is a blur. All of a sudden, she abruptly stops, facing the audience. Her eyes are closed.

The Bard makes a transition by giving the music a feel of the waves in a gentle wind.

Erana brings her leg down and starts to sway back and forth from one side of the stage to the other, her arms ceasing to stop. She seems to be float on the stage.

Her fingers a blur of motion, the Bard decides to turn the music back to the daydream it began as. A daydream of the beauty of the stars.

Erana senses the change in music and floats to the center of the stage. She starts to weave her hands in front of her face. They seem to explore different moves but complete each other. She slowly sets herself down on the floor. When she is finally on the floor, she extends her hands palms up.

After seeing Erana's head fall down, the bard quietly ends her song. She does not do it abruptly, rather, it seems to fade off.

Tirastaldo watches the performance and hears the music come to an end.

Tirastaldo applaudes toward Erana.

Erana slowly stands up. She motions towards the flutist and applauds.

Tirastaldo applaudes toward the musician.

Aldarwen smiles and claps towards Erana and the Bard, "Fantastic! Thanks a lot for sharing it with us, mellon!"

Erana smiles at Aldarwen and walks off the stage. She hugs the flutist who leaves quickly.

Tirastaldo applaudes one last time to Erana and the flutist.